It’s National Small Business Week.
America was founded by risk-takers. Men and women who identified the opportunity – to gain independence – and seized that opportunity for all it was worth. The cost was great but the reward is still savored.
Today, small business owners continue that tradition of seizing upon opportunity and becoming independent.
This week we celebrate all small business owners and their enterprises that have made America a leader in nearly every industry. And let us not forget that almost every large corporation once started small.
As part of this week’s purpose, small business owners are on Capitol Hill lobbying for more COVID-19 relief. At the Alliance to Save the American Dream, we have one main objective: To save our small businesses, the lifeblood of our economy.
Our team is committed to delivering ready to use Resources and Ideas that are best suited to weather not just COVID but any other crisis that is on the horizon. We are calling on all small businesses to join our growing membership so that we might unite as a collective voice for the sake of preserving our way of life in this land of the opportunity.
The Alliance to Save the American Dream is a non-profit organization dedicated to three core goals.
1. Develop an Ideas Factory to give small businesses and industries a centralized place to share innovative ideas that must be considered.
2. Build a unique Resources portal for small businesses to go to for answers or resources that address a wide range of issues or challenges.
3. Offer a new networking opportunity for small business owners to connect while also giving them a platform to share their own personal stories.
For more information, visit